About Me

I live in Tasmania with my husband of 40 years and have a daughter in Melbourne and a son in Launceston. My interests are quilting, theatre, reading, gardening, travel. I work as a chartered accountant.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yesterday was a beautiful Autumn day in Launceston - even if it was 31 January! I was probably a few minutes too late to get the full effect of the lovely sunset from our place but there were wonderful streaks of pale pink across the sky. I just hope that Summer will return - not quite ready to say goodbye to it yet.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

This morning when I went to get the paper I could hear a lot of very loud birds - different to the usual birds. I discovered a flock of Rosella parrots in our Flowering Gum - see how many you can find.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My family would be disappointed if I didn't post a photo of clouds - there are a lot in my collection! I took this photo today - the only time the sun has been out - of the cloud looming over my neighbour's house - it's one that the pilots wouldn't want to fly through. And the rest of the day I have spent scanning old photos to put into an album for my Mum who has dementia - I didn't want to give her the original photos as they could end up anywhere! The photos range from one of her mother when she was young through to last Christmas so they span about 100 years.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I haven't posted for a few days because I haven't done anything very interesting - apart from work that is! We have had some rain this weekend but it is still warm. The most exciting thing is that I have picked 2 tomatoes from my plants!!! It is exciting because I wasn't expecting anything. In Launceston everyone plants their tomatoes on Show Day (or after), which is in the second week of October. This year we had several frosts and it was a great money earner for the nurseries as people were continually replacing their tomatoes! I cut mine back a little and it seemed to work - the proof will be in the eating - at least I got to them before the wallabies, possums and peacocks.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The last 3 evenings the weather has been perfect for eating outside. Last night the sun was lighting up this gum tree which is in our neigbours yard. I just hope when it falls it doesn't come our way!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

On Thursday 11 January I woke to this early morning sky. The effects are the results of the start of the smoke which drifted across Bass Strait from the Victorian bushfires. The morning was very smoky!

We have planted man ferns in the back corner of our yard and they are starting to develop well

- except for this confused specimen!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My Walk to the City

The scullers having a rest in the
early morning.

The pathway down by the Cataract Gorge
with a view of the city beyond.

More of the pathway - you need to be careful
in wet weather!

I like ducks!

Most mornings I try and walk into the city to work - it only takes about 25 minutes but is a lovely stroll down the hill followed by a steep path by the Cataract Gorge. I am lucky to see the rowers out practising and all the wildlife on my way!