About Me

I live in Tasmania with my husband of 40 years and have a daughter in Melbourne and a son in Launceston. My interests are quilting, theatre, reading, gardening, travel. I work as a chartered accountant.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I haven't posted for a few days because I haven't done anything very interesting - apart from work that is! We have had some rain this weekend but it is still warm. The most exciting thing is that I have picked 2 tomatoes from my plants!!! It is exciting because I wasn't expecting anything. In Launceston everyone plants their tomatoes on Show Day (or after), which is in the second week of October. This year we had several frosts and it was a great money earner for the nurseries as people were continually replacing their tomatoes! I cut mine back a little and it seemed to work - the proof will be in the eating - at least I got to them before the wallabies, possums and peacocks.

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