About Me

I live in Tasmania with my husband of 40 years and have a daughter in Melbourne and a son in Launceston. My interests are quilting, theatre, reading, gardening, travel. I work as a chartered accountant.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Mosel River

The next few days saw us sailing down the Mosel River - I must admit this is a wonderful way to tour - no unpacking - wonderful food and wine! These are some of the images we saw when floating past - the first is us in one of the many locks - we had to collapse the sun shade so we could fit under the bridge.

A castle behind one of the many vineyards - it was good to see some hills after the flatness of the Netherlands - but I wouldn't want to be working in these vineyards.

Another of the villages we sailed past.

We didn't have to lower the sunshades to fit under this bridge - I imagine it is part of one of the autobahns.

A closer look at the vineyards - every bit of space is used!

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