About Me

I live in Tasmania with my husband of 40 years and have a daughter in Melbourne and a son in Launceston. My interests are quilting, theatre, reading, gardening, travel. I work as a chartered accountant.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Orkneys

We sailed across to the Orkneys and our first view was of the Island of Hoy

We came ashore at Burwick.
Morning tea stop was at an old building looking out over the Scapa Flow

The Churchill Barriers were built by the Italian Prisoners of War during the Second World War to stop the enemy access to the shipping which was in the Scapa Flow. Shipping wrecks from both World Wars abound. And of course the Barriers are now used as vehicle access to 3 of the islands.

During the War the Italian POW's were given 2 Nissen Huts so they could build a church for their worship. It is still used today and the inside was decorated to represent their churches from home.

A statue of St George was built from the available material.

The daffodils were still in full bloom this far north - we were very close to the Arctic Circle.

The Scapa Flow

Standing Stones of Stenness in a paddock - about 3000 B C.

This fisherman obviously didn't feel the cold.

The Ring of Brodgar which originally comprised 60 megaliths - 27 remain. As opposed to Stone Henge you could walk around these stones and hug them!

It is believed this fell down when struck by lightening.

Our next stop was Skara Brae a Neolithic village older than the pyramids. It was discovered in 1850 when it was revealed after a huge storm.

An interpretive centre has been built so you can walk around and see how the people would have lived. The diet of crabs was very enticing!

And then we walked across the track to the original site which is set on the beautiful coast.

Our final stop was at Kirkwall where we visited St Magnus Cathedral.

Why are they so large you can't fit them all in a photo!
The celtic designs on the tiles were fascinating.

The tomb of John Rae who discovered the remains of the Sir John Franklin expedition in the Arctic Circle. He wasn't very popular because he also discovered that members of the expedition had practiced cannibalism in an attempt to survive!

A beautiful door.

The remains of the Bishop's Palace.

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